Okay, so "getting on with it" didn't go over like I thought it would. The past year has been a struggle on many different levels. Things just happen, whether you are well-prepared for them or not, and in my case, OR NOT would be more adequate. It's strange, really. I used to have such a strong grip on life and felt organized and knew exactly what was going to happen and when. That's not the case these days. And, in reflection, I am just beside myself.
So, to recap another year, and prove to myself that we did experience something, I'm going to give this another shot. Let's see..... After the Spring Jamboree football game, school ended and we embarked on a summer full of cousins visiting, football training, baseball training, and THE BEACH! Aaron got a surfboard in the spring, something to focus on since baseball was going to be out of the picture. Bo actually got a really nice skimboard in July of '08, so he was excited to be able to learn more with it. Ethan, well, he decided that he wasn't good enough to do a "tour" with the First Tee program yet, so he didn't get involved with that this year. He didn't care much for going to the beach either, but with options low, he was forced to go with us.

Then we celebrated more birthdays in August with visits to Sam's Surf City and the skating rink. Aaron turned 14 and Tanner (my nephew) turned 5. I busted my rump trying to skate backwards, on rental skates, ya know, for old times' sake. But really, 70 pounds later, it HURT!
School started back, on schedule, and Aaron is a high school freshman. Even odder, Bo is a sophomore!!! What??!! Football takes up a lot of time. Although I wasn't having to cart them back and forth to practices, it consumes your refrigerator, pantry, washing machine and bathroom! Fortunately, we only had to spend time at the field on Thursdays this year.
After football ended in October, we got a little break, and then Ethan started basketball. Since Aaron wasn't doing anything extracirricular at the moment, he was asked to help his former 7th grade science teacher COACH Ethan's team. They weren't that great a winning team, but they did learn alot. I know those kids will remember Aaron helping them when he's a senior and they are freshmen. When he realizes the impact he's had on them, hopefully, he will appreciate it.
Basketball has ended and golf has begun. Aaron didn't make the HS baseball team, so he is taking golf clinics, hoping to discover his level of talent in that sport and feel comfortable enough to try out for the HS golf team in the fall (since he's not even considering football next year).
Bo has started track again, and is doing pretty well, but is only using it as a tool to become faster and better at football. We are trying to figure out the best form of weight gain for him that is HEALTHY, so that he has better chances of being recognized on the field.
As far as what's up with me, I'm still enjoying photography, and even trying some new things:
weddings, head shots, modeling, etc. I hope to take some courses this summer or fall and get to a point where I am more confident in myself, enough to promote my hobby as a profession. We'll see.
At this point in time, we are getting ready to have a driver in the house (ack!) Bo will turn 16 this week and will get his license on the following Monday (or test for it). He's also getting ready to dual enroll for college credits during his junior year! Am I ready for this? Of course not! But I have to be right? Otherwise, I will hold them back from their full potential? Ugh!
Well, hopefully, I haven't burned anyone out on this blog. Hopefully, I will be able to do this about once a week. Lord knows, there's plenty that happens in a week's time to write a book.
Until next time!